Initiating Phase 2 – Production!

Mark the date, 9th of September! The day we move into production phase!

This is very exciting for us. After quite a few more months than we anticipated, we’re finally ready to start pumping out the work.

Luke’s priorities are:

  • Create all sprites for all characters
  • Rigging (should be pretty quick with the Auto Rig function in DUIK)
  • Animating walk/run/talks/idles cycles for all characters as required.
  • Background Art
  • Object Sprites

Matt and I will do the packing and plugging into Unity. Possibly some animating as well, if we’re feeling game.

To recap, the workflow for animating will be:

  1. Create artwork in Photoshop
  2. Rig the artwork in After Effects using DUIK and Auto Rig
  3. Create each animation for walk cycles and so on.
  4. Pack those animations into a sprite sheet using Texture Packer
  5. Put the sprite sheet into either Sprite Illuminator or Sprite Dlite to create the normals map.
  6. Lay it all out in Unity.

That should be enough to keep us busy for a while.

Finally, here’s a screenshot from a pretty recent build:


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