Moving along

It’s been a little while since an update, so I thought I would quickly post how we’re developing.

After much tinkering with our workflows (from creating assets, to getting them into Unity, to making sure they’re all working properly) we’ve finally settled on some basic practices that help the project along.

For one thing, now, when Luke’s designing the assets, he’s set up a template workstation that helps to keep all animations centred and starting from the same relative position no matter which direction they’re facing. This is really important – without this, animations can skip and flutter once they’re packed into the game. Obviously we need to be consistent with image dimensions and that sort of thing too.

There were a few little quirks with TexturePacker too, which slowed work down a little. For example, when we try to pack long animations in the largest dimension sprite sheets, the result is often a little glitchy. So we now multi-pack smaller sprite sheets to much better results.

These little fixes mean we’ve finally been able to move beyond designing animations for the player character. Matt was the first to be brought into digital life, and Luke experimented with a bit of hand-drawing the animation below. This will be part of a longer idle-cycle.


And to put it in context, see a rough .gif version of the finished product:


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